Winter storms are a common occurrence in the UK and cause millions of pounds worth of damage each time one descends. They might have names now but they are still a pain, especially for homeowners who will end up dealing with the consequences of heavy rain and strong winds. If you’re busy preparing for the delights of winter weather, here are some songs to bear in mind while you’re doing it:
Riders On The Storm – The Doors
It’s not just the wind and rain you need to be concerned about but what might be carried on that wind! Debris blown around can cause a lot of damage to property. This could be tree branches, loose roof tiles, bins or anything else left outside. Whatever might be hitching a ride on that storm could be damaging your property.

Here Comes The Rain Again – Eurythmics
The heavens open almost daily during winter and this constant deluge can create problems with standing water that is not being drained properly. If you start to see signs of water damage inside your home, you could have a problem with a leak in the roof. Do not leave unchecked and call out a professional as soon as any issues are spotted as standing water can lead to mould, damp and structural problems. For Roofing Cheltenham, go to a site like
Against The Wind – Bob Seger
Extreme bad weather is normally predicted in good time giving homeowners the chance to secure any loose items outside that could blow away and cause damage. This includes loose roof tiles that might shift and damage others or worse blow onto someone below or a vehicle.
Shelter From The Storm – Bob Dylan
Once you’ve completed all your household maintenance checks and repaired anything that needs doing in the late summer/early autumn, you can relax and take comfort, warm and cosy inside while the storm does its thing. Whether it throws hail, torrential rain, gale force winds or blankets of snow, you’ll rest easy knowing everything is secure.
Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head – Burt Bacharach and Hal David
Getting stuck out in a deluge without a coat or umbrella is unfortunate. Sitting at home with rain dripping onto your head is a disaster. Nobody wants a hole in the roof so if you suspect a problem with your roofing materials during the nicer weather, whatever you do -don’t do nothing or you could live to regret it.

Why Does It Always Rain On Me? – Travis
Living with damp is not good. Not only is it unsightly and smelly but is a real health hazard if left to grow. It can cause nasty respiratory illnesses. Leaving leaks and water damage unattended will lead to damp and mould issues, not to mention the risk of causing structural weaknesses. In a damp climate like the UK, extra efforts need to be made to seal and waterproof our exteriors.
Here Comes The Sun – Colbie Caillat
After the cold, dark winter months, we can look forward to some sunshine again. Spring is the ideal time for a quick check around the property for any bad weather damage.